New York - New York

I love being in New York in summer the most. This city turns herself in to a 20 something years old, vibrant, full of love and energy. She is up 24/7 and drives people around crazy. It is really a place to be.

I also love to be in dance classes. Even though many gen yers might like to learn stuff from YouTube, there is nowhere near being with different people, feeling sweat and heat and absorbing energy from each other. Most of my teachers are in their 40s and 50s now but they are great. The older they get, the more graceful and peaceful their dances become. 'Less is more' is definitely the way to go.

The Boy In The Boat with Mardi Love

Today in Washington DC is bright and sunny and it will be the second day to study with Mardi Love. I have been wanting to take classes from this wonderful dancer and now after 28 hours of traveling half of the world, then here I come.

Thanks to all members of the Indigos who popularize Tribal Fusion Style Bellydance and show us what how tasteful and powerful this dance could be.

Check out more about Tribal Fusion Bellydance:

Welcome to rumPUREE Blogger

Hello everyone,

I am writing the first blog on my way to the airport to NYC. I would like to use this blog to communicate and share the fun and knowledge of dance to people who are interested in. There are many cool things about dance that we might overlook. Stay tuned with us. You might change your mind what you know about dancing.

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